Norwescon 39 is happening in only twenty-five days. This will be my second year attending, and if you’re in the Seattle area March 24-27th, you should come! You can preregister here, only $70 for the four days. It’s a great group of amazing people, and there is a ton to see and do, and plenty of places for you to participate.
If you follow me on Instagram, yesterday I posted a sneak peek of some of the new swag I am bringing to the convention: badge ribbons. Last year I discovered everyone’s affinity for the little things, and I can totally see the draw. They’re fun. Badge ribbons are little pieces of flair you attach to the bottom of your convention badge. They spell out all manner of things. Some are funny, some are silly, some go the way of nostalgia, some are descriptive titles, and some are informative. Throughout the convention, attendees collect these ribbons and attach them to one another, and the length of their ribbon chain grows and grows.
Loree Parker’s badge was so tall I had to do some fancy photoshop work just to get a portion of her ribbons into the picture, check out the whole thing here. My own badge was a pittance in comparison, only three ribbons (such is the case when you’re trapped at a table. C’est la vie!) Since I am returning this year and a lot more active, I wanted to participate. So, I began brainstorming some ideas for ribbons. What could I bring? Obviously, straight forward advertising on these ribbons is dumb, but I still wanted to tie my ribbons into my books and the Lovecraft mythos in general. I think I settled on a good solution. I am happy to say I will be bringing not one but three ribbons to Norwescon 39. Here they are:
Caravan Master – Silver on Black
Roader – White on Black
Shambler – White on Black
Like most of my swag, these ribbons are free, but there’s a catch. I’m turning this into a game. Of these three ribbons, you’re only going to get one. To get your hands on these beauties, you’ll need to track me down when I’m at my table on Writers Row (my full schedule is posted here), and you have to ask me about the ribbons. I will then produce THE BOX OF CHOOSING™, and you’ll get to draw a ribbon from the box. Only one ribbon is allowed per attendee, and whatever you draw is your ribbon. We’ll do this until I run out. The Roader and Shambler ribbons are plentiful, but there us only going to be about twenty-five of the rare and elusive Caravan Master ribbons. So, if you see someone lucky enough to get one, give them a sharp salute.
See you in twenty-five days.
Filed under: Swag, Upcoming Appearances Tagged: badge, Bell Caravans, box of choosing, caravan master, norwescon, ribbons, Roader, seatac, seattle, shambler